تحميل تطبيق SAR برو
الشركة السعودية للخطوط الحديدية - سار تحميل تطبيق SAR برو من تطبيقات السفر ومعلومات محلية
Stay ahead with instant access to booking your trip, buying ticket, check in online and save boarding pass directly to the app. It’s now even easier to make and manage your travel plans. This safe and secure travel tool helps you plan and stay connected with your travel plans anytime, anywhere.
Our app comes with the following services:
Search a trip:
Finds you the available trips for travel based on selected class, route, and date.
Allows you to navigate for a different date of travel by a simple slide and tap to select from a list of available trips. Quick access to most recent searches. Easy and convenient features to plan your travel anytime, anywhere.
Our app provides you great user-friendly features, and making a reservation is just few taps away..! All of your passengers' details are securely stored with us. Get all your details filled by just entering your account. Our app bookings are integrated with Sadad, and users get notified with the Sadad Bill Reference by SMS & email to expedite the payments.
Manage Booking:
Our app lets you manage every aspect of travel from seat selection to get up-to-date arrival and departure times for all trips.
Select or change preferred seats for each of the passengers in the booking with great ease, well in advance.
Cancel bookings by providing reservation number and Also modify booking with Add/Remove passenger and Change Passenger Type.
OTP based login for booking tickets and manange tickets. Automated flow of issuing refunds and compensation.
Boarding Pass:
Check in of passengers while on the move using our Boarding Pass feature, after buying tickets.
No more printing out boarding passes at the last minute - with the new App you can get boarding passes for the passengers, saved to your smartphone.
Boarding passes are saved on iPhone and you don't have to worry about connectivity while at the station.
SAR wishes you a pleasant journey.
تحميل تطبيق SAR برو
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