تحميل تطبيق Piano - music songs games برو
Piano app - a simple way to become a real maestro تحميل تطبيق Piano - music songs games برو من تطبيقات الموسيقى والصوت
Learn piano by playing all your favorite songs easily with fun! No experience is necessary.
Play thousands of piano classics for free on your ultra-realistic piano keyboard with HD music sound.
Piano app is an electric keyboard simulator to help you learn chords and music notes like on a real piano.
Feeling like a maestro already? Start composing your own music with the free play mode and the simple or double keyboard! The app also offers a pedal & scrollable keyboard...everything feels like a real piano.
Piano app lets you learn piano very quickly using fun & engaging music games. Play famous hits and classic songs easily thanks to a powerful piano.
Challenge yourself and increase your skills with hundreds of lessons created by professional musicians. Try to get all notes perfectly to reach a higher score and be a piano master.
Fulfill that pianist dream and let be part of an entire orchestra thanks to an incredible concert mode for each song.
Main features:
- Ultra-realistic piano keyboard
- 5 different piano keyboards and musical instruments: Grand Piano, Vintage Piano, Electric Piano, Church Organ, Harpsichord...
- Famous songs
- Most classics tracks and Lullabies
- Lessons to master each track like a maestro
- Immersive experience in an orchestra by playing piano in a concert mode
Have any questions or suggestions regarding the app? Our support team is ready to help at support-piano@ link الرابط من هنا
تحميل تطبيق Piano - music songs games برو
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