![تطبيق Kubool - رسائل مجهولة المصدر و برو](https://apk-com.com/uploads/images/202302/image-512x512-63f2b27815cef.webp)
تحميل تطبيق Kubool - رسائل مجهولة المصدر و برو
إرسال واستقبال رسائل مجهولة المصدر من أصدقائك باستخدام Kubool تحميل تطبيق Kubool - رسائل مجهولة المصدر و برو من تطبيقات نمط حياة
Kubool helps you know what do your friends, family members and your closest ones think about you. To get started and receive your first anonymous message/feedback, simply:
1) download the app,
2) create your very own profile link,
3) share it using any of your preferred social media platform.
Be it Whats App, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other platform Kubool supports it all.
Kubool ("Qubool" or "قبول ") is an Arabic word meaning "Acceptance" or "Acknowledgement" is what our app is based on. Here at Kubool we let our users receive anonymous messages and feedback from the people around them safely and securely. This anonymous message app particularly stands out from the others because of the easy usability that Kubool provides.
One can only send you a private anonymous message when he or she has your username. We recommend you to share your unique profile link with everyone who you love and care about. Not only them but you can also share the dare with everyone in your Whats App contact list, or the Facebook friend list and ask them to answer the dare. By doing this you will be able to know how people think about you in general. Ask your friends to join the platform and send their unique links too so that you can compliment them anonymously.
Now, as you have got a fair enough idea about what Kubool is, it is time to create your account and share this with your friends so that you can start to receive anonymous compliments and wishes from your well-wishers, lover, friends, and family members.
The platform is safer than ever as we are continuously working on the user experience to make the game more fun.
تحميل تطبيق Kubool - رسائل مجهولة المصدر و برو
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- Now share your Profile Link and Messages using Facebook and Instagram
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