تحميل تطبيق Universal Copy برو
The fastest way to copy text from any apps, pictures & documents تحميل تطبيق Universal Copy برو من تطبيقات للأطفال
Universal Copy is the fastest way to copy text on Android, even from the apps that won’t let you or inside images.
In any app, launch Universal Copy, select the text you want to copy, it’s done!
Easy. Simple. Super fast.
- Normal mode: copy text from any application such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Chrome, WhatsApp, Tumblr, News Republic, Snapchat...
- Scanner mode: copy text inside images (OCR technology). It currently works with Chinese, Devanagari (Hindi...), Japanese, Korean and Latin (English, Portuguese...) character sets.
- Smart detection of entities: addresses, emails, phone numbers, @, #... are automatically detected by Universal Copy.
- Copy-Paste in 1-tap: perform quick actions (translate, locate, share…) on the text you selected. This saves a lot of app switching.
- Scroll mode: select texts from multiple screens or apps to copy them all.
- Harvest mode: launch Harvest mode and capture all entities that you encounter while you navigate.
You can use Universal Copy to:
- copy Youtube comments (the app normally prevents you to)
- copy text that is inside an image
- copy all the text that appears on your screen
- copy all the text from multiple pages and apps (with scroll mode)
- extract an address inside a text message and open Google Maps to locate it in no time
- detect multiple hashtags on Instagram or Twitter and copy them all at the same time, even they are not originally next to one another
- extract all the accounts tagged in a post or comments
These are only a few examples, the possibilities with Universal Copy are limitless!
1. Go to the App / Picture / Document you want to copy text from
2. Launch the Universal Copy mode from your notification bar or via a shortcut. Select Normal or Scanner mode.
تحميل تطبيق Universal Copy برو
يمكنك التحميل تطبيق Universal Copy برو عبر هذه الروابط :
android تحميل APK v6.3.3 مباشر
shop Get on Google Play
update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 6.3.3
link الرابط من هنا
You can now edit texts before copying !
Click on the "Edit" button to show the text editor and fix text detection errors or add some content before copying or sharing.
Universal Copy now smartly detects entities: addresses, emails, phone numbers, @, #.
You can perform quick actions on the selected text: Translate, Locate, ...
OCR support for new languages: Devanagari, Korean, Japanese, Chinese
Ads are no longer shown on app's start and the loading problems should be
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