تحميل لعبه Real Car Drifting Simulator apk مهكر
تفحيط سيارات رياضية حقيقية حول شوارع المدينة في أفضل محاكي تفحيط سيارات تحميل لعبه Real Car Drifting Simulator apk مهكر من ألعاب السباقات
Drive fast cars, drift fast and hard in an all-new action car drifting in one of the best car driving simulator games! Drift real sports cars around wide city streets and corners, have absolute freedom and explore the huge open driving world. Find stunt ramps to jump off to do amazing stunts in the latest in car drifting games.
Walk around your personal car garage, select any real sports car to drive, and fully customize the design of your vehicle in the all-new open world car driving simulator!
Real Car Drifting Simulator is one of the best car driving simulator games!
Get behind the steering wheel of your unique, fully customized race car and drive how you like, the possibilities are endless with exciting gameplay and incredible graphics. See all of the high-quality detail of each unique vehicle from all angle; with dynamics HD camera angles, see the driving action close up like never before.
Experience drifting like never before in this realistic car driving simulation game. Race past vehicles, drift around tight city corners, do flips, tricks, and stunts, as well as totally wreck your car with real-time vehicle damage. See each scratch and dent up close with each car crash.
Game Features:
- Hugely open-world driving simulator environment
- Exciting new areas in the city, construction, dockyard environments and more!
- Miles of roads to drift and drive on
- Full customization for sports cars
- Personal garage to walk around and explore
- Authentic and real sports car vehicles
- Realistic car driving game physics
- Intelligent city A.I traffic driving
- Multiple dynamic HD camera angles
- Hundreds of AI cars throughout the cities
Car drifting simulator games have never been this fun, until now! Experience incredible real drifting and driving, pulling off super long drifts, stunt jumps, and a whole load more to explore and do in one of the best car drifting games!
Show off your amazing drifting and car driving skills, perform awesome car stunts in one of the best free car driving simulators available!
Come on and get the drive of a lifetime, our latest game offers a massive open world for the best car driving simulator game experience! The most realistic and extreme car driving game you'll ever experience, Real Car Drifting Simulator!
Gamepickle Studios have been developing family-friendly games to be enjoyed by all, regardless of their age. We aim to promote responsible social values and healthy habits in a safe and controlled environment.
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update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 1.10
- UI redesign
- Minor background bug fixes
- Performance
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