تحميل لعبه Downtown Gangstaz: Online War apk مهكر
A life of crime, a lifetime of power! تحميل لعبه Downtown Gangstaz: Online War apk مهكر من ألعاب الألعاب الإستراتيجية
Step into the gritty world of organized crime, build your empire, and take on the role of a powerful mob boss!
Climb the ranks of the criminal underworld and become the ultimate kingpin. Recruit a loyal crew of henchmen, engage in intense shootouts, and get immersed in the dangerous world of the gangster lifestyle. Experience the thrill of power and the consequences of your actions in this action-packed game.
Key Features:
* Hood to Build/Defend and get more powerful
* Mansion, a limo, legitimate and illegitimate businesses
* Cool Mercs to blow up your enemy city
* Assign Thugs to defend your city
* Boss Fights, who joins your Crew if you beat'em for good
* Challenging Jobs which can make you scratch your head sometimes
* Hit List so that you can place a bounty on hoodies that diss you
* Rival List so you don't forget who messed with you
* Start or joins Gangs with friends around the world
* Police Cars which can bust you during a Job
* Air Dropped Mob Gifts
* Daily Shipments with Speed Boats
Gameplay Features:
* Attack Replays
* Crime Family
* Profile Wall
* Profile Respects
* Street REPS
* Attack Squads
* Layout Editor
* Saved Layouts
* World Chat
* Leaderboards
* Skill Points
* Power Boosts
* Day Mode and Night Mode worlds
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WiKi: link الرابط من هنا
تحميل لعبه Downtown Gangstaz: Online War apk مهكر
يمكنك التحميل لعبه Downtown Gangstaz: Online War apk مهكر عبر هذه الروابط :
android تحميل APK v0.6.72 مباشر
shop Get on Google Play
update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 0.6.72
UPDATE: 0.6.72
* Fixes and improvements
UPDATE: 0.6.59
* New Turret Type Tesla Tower!
* UI/UX updated
* Bug fixes and other improvements
UPDATE: 0.5.94
* UI Improvements
* Introducing Gang Search
* Introducing Gang Hangout
* Introducing Open Recruit Mode for Gangs
UPDATE: 0.5.46
* Introducing Flame Thrower
UPDATE: 0.5.28
* Introducing New Boss, ROADKILL
UPDATE: 0.5.20
* Introducing Daily
whatshotالأكثر تحميلاً
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