تحميل لعبه Supermarket Cashier Simulator apk مهكر
Run the store, work the cash register, and do math in this job simulator game. تحميل لعبه Supermarket Cashier Simulator apk مهكر من ألعاب المحاكاة
Note: This game requires knowledge of money math. Recommended for ages 8 +
Train to be the best cashier in your own grocery store. Become a math prodigy by counting and entering the price of the grocery items and making change for your customers. Practice your math and calculator skills by being fast in timed mode. Both kids and adults will find this cash register game fun and challenging. This is a cozy and relaxing game and cash register simulator.
⦁ Realistic working cash register with scanner, credit card machine, and receipt printer
⦁ Varying amount of items that you count with unique prices
⦁ Practice making change to keep your mind sharp
⦁ Keep those calculator skills sharp entering PLU Codes and barcodes
⦁ Unlock new grocery items and upgrade cash register hardwares to add to your shop
Use this game for your first job training or improve your mental concentration and focus while having fun. See if you can finish all the levels of Supermarket Cashier. This game is challenging for both kids and adults.
You can play in Timed Mode for more challenge or you can play in Untimed Mode for relaxation. Choose from USD ($), British Pounds(£), or Canadian Dollars (C$). See if you can finish all the levels of Supermarket Cashier.
تحميل لعبه Supermarket Cashier Simulator apk مهكر
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