تحميل تطبيق Speak Pal - تعلم الإنجليزية برو
تحدث الانجليزية ممارسة على الانترنت. تعرف على أشخاص جدد وتحدث مع الغرباء تحميل تطبيق Speak Pal - تعلم الإنجليزية برو في تطبيقات التعليم
من غير المجدي دراسة اللغة الإنجليزية إذا كنت لا تستطيع التحدث بها!
Speak Pal هو نادي محادثة باللغة الإنجليزية وتطبيق ناطق حيث من السهل العثور على شريك لغوي والتحدث إلى الغرباء الذين لديهم نفس الاهتمامات وكذلك نفس المستوى من اللغة.
You can use this English learning app FOR FREE and WITHOUT ADS!
Thousands of users worldwide have already improved their speaking skills by talking with each other. You learn to talk about yourself, your work or anything else that interests you and your partner. Start speaking English and find new friends today!
1. Improve your spoken English
If you want to be good at language, theory alone is not enough. The best way to raise your level is to talk with other people. Speaking and conversation practice will strengthen your theory knowledge and simultaneously turn the otherwise passive eng vocabulary into an active one.
2. Gain confidence
Say goodbye to your fear of talking in English or making mistakes. This application will connect you with friendly people who will support you even if you are at the very beginning of your learning journey. You don't need to worry about forgetting irregular verbs or not being able to remember the right word. With practice and speaking training comes greater confidence and the ability to express yourself no matter what language level you are at.
3. Learn about other cultures
When you practice a language with real people, language exchange is not the only important thing. You will get to know other cultures and learn about the traditions and worldviews of people from around the world. Expand your horizons and meet new interesting people with the English speaking club!
It doesn’t matter that you don’t have much time to spend on your English studies. Start off with only 15 minutes a day, and this will work wonders for your skills. You will talk a bit better after every conversation you have. And your vocabulary grows faster than ever!
Get a daily English speaking practice, improve your language level and find new friends of interest!
Contact us if you have any questions. Any at all!
Email: support@ link الرابط من هنا
Telegram: https://t.me/speakpal_support
تحميل تطبيق Speak Pal - تعلم الإنجليزية برو
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