تحميل لعبه Unicorn Chef Games for Girls apk مهكر
Carnival Games: fun unicorn chef carnival fair food maker for girls 8 - 10! تحميل لعبه Unicorn Chef Games for Girls apk مهكر من ألعاب المحاكاة
- A super fun kids food game with TONS of CARNIVAL FAIR FOODS!
- Keep updated with new carnival fair foods EVERY WEEK!
- Cook yummy carnival fair foods for kids such as unicorn chef cake, cotton candy, pogos, ice cream, rainbow slushy, classic American hot dog, French fries, fried noodles, corn dogs, popsicles, crispy donuts and so much more in this carnival game
- Tons of realistic cooking tools for kids to play: bowls, spatulas, spoons, freezer, oven, food blender, pipping bags, plates, cream mixer, food processor, induction cooker, knife, cutting board, chopsticks, cake molds, fryer, and so much more in this carnival game
- Tons of food materials and decorations for kids to try: sausages, bread, chickens, potatoes, fruits, candies, sprinkles, milk, flour, salt, butter, eggs, food coloring, ice cream, cream, water, rock candies, white rabbit candy, unicorn chef decorations and so much more in this carnival game
How to play:
- Use interactive controls to play the kids food game
- Try different tools to make your carnival fair food
- Mix various ingredients to create the unique flavor and color of your carnival fair food
- Decorate your carnival fair food with beautiful sprinkles, candies, fruits, straws, and syrup
- Eat carnival fair food to trigger the RAINBOW & CANDY magic
- Enjoy this carnival game
Important Message for Purchases:
- By downloading this Games for Girls: Fair Food you agree to Kids Food Games Inc's Privacy Policy.
- Please consider that this Games for Girls: Fair Food may include third parties services for limited legally permissible purposes.
About Kids Food Games
Kids Food Games is a high quality Educational Game Studio for Girls. Our goal is to bring fun, safe and exciting new educational free games for girls.
Important Message to Parents
This app is free to play and all content is FREE with ads. There are certain in-game features that may require purchase using real money.
Discover more free games for girls and more carnival games in Kids Food Games Inc
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-Bacon Cheese Fries
-KitKat Ice Cream
-Candy Apples
Check our 2 SUPER FUN and FREE cooking games
Unicorn Chef: Edible Slime
link الرابط من هنا
Unicorn Chef: Summer Ice Foods
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And our classic game
Unicorn Chef
link الرابط من هنا
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